About us
RODOSLOV is a team of family history researchers who are sincerely dedicated to their work.

How can we help you?

  • We research of documents in any archive in Ukraine, as well as in the Russian Federation, Poland: we work with all main sources (metrical books, confessional statements, revision lists) and secondary sources, inventories of funds;
  • We provide with a free analysis of your situation and provide a list of archival and online sources for research: you can leave an application by following the link
  • We help to restore the pedigree to the 10-12th generations (if there are archival sources);
  • We recreate the family tree and draw it up;
  • We find all confirming nationality documents;
  • We carry out a military research in the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (quick identification and copying of registration and service cards - up to 5 working days);
  • We find all information in the registry book of the registry office and online registry office in Ukraine;
  • We teach you how to research the generation on your own: for this we have a small online course;
  • We create a family website on MyHeritage so you can share your family tree with family and friends and look for relatives around the world
How to make the first steps in generation research, online genealogy life hacks you can find at the Festival of Living Stories
We talk about drawing up a pedigree at breakfast with Channel 1 + 1
We share our answers to the most interesting questions about genealogy live on the radio Golos Stolytsi( The voice of the capital):
- How much are Ukrainians interested in creating their own genealogy and does the popularity of such researches grow?

- What are the principles of constructing a family tree? Where to start your search? How long does it take? What generation does the research usually reach to?

- What you need to know to get started? How to research an information during periods when there were no passports? What information about ancestors can be found during the research?

- What are difficult periods for an information research;

- Do DNA tests help in finding information?

- How to build a family tree if there were mistakes in writing the surname?

- Wrong research of ancestors on another branch; Stages of information verification;

- The connection between the surname and the topographic name (if they match);

- Is an access to archival information free? How to find out which archive contact to? Is there a generalized site for all archives?

- Research of relatives in archives on the territory of the Russian Federation;

- The possibility of cooperation with foreign archives;

- Is it possible to use Internet resources for research? What is the reliability of information in Internet sources? Is it possible to base your research on an open database in Internet?

- Does the independence of the research affect the quality of the research? Is it worth to contact to specialists in this field? How much does it cost to research of a genus? How to choose a company that can carry out a research?

- Is it possible to use the research results to restore ownership or inheritance?

- A genus category and what can be considered as the genus category.
Get a free personal research plan
You're going to have: an overview of the geography of the research, a list of the archival sources, an estimate of the prospect of deepening, the exact timing and cost.
Download a sample of a plan
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