Partnership with RODOSLOV
Support in archival researches in Ukraine
We help researchers and companies from other countries to research information on the territory of Ukraine: all historical archives, information search in the registry office, field visits.
Сертификаты на генеалогическую экспертизу для организаторов тематических мероприятий.
We are inspired by the opportunity to help people to learn more about their unique history and to strengthen family ties. Therefore, we are happy to take part in family events, festivals and give our certificates.
Conducting master classes at schools
Awareness of oneself as a part of one's family is an important stage in the self-identification of any person. We have created the author's master class in order to show students who are beginning to get acquainted with history that this science has many practical directions and is extremely interesting. Together we build a family tree, talk about the main sources, discuss fascinating stories of the origin of surnames.
We strive to help everyone in the research of an information about their ancestors.

Unfortunately, genealogical research as a commercial service is not available to everyone. Therefore, we shared our experience in an online course. From the lectures you can learn how to compile an a pedigree on your own and absolutely free. There is everything you need in the course : instructions, tips for working with archives, templates for applications and requests.

We are glad to any idea: if you have projects that we could implement together, write to us at

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